Search For printer In Quotes 4

My goal is to get another 30 years out of this business. So I need to figure out the fuel to do that. And so far I think it's respect and quality and company not celebrity or box office or stardom. It's not a sprinter's approach. It's more like a long-distance thing. You can stick around a lot longer if you kind of slow-play it.

Learning hath gained most by those books by which the printers have lost.

The poster boy for our superabled future is Oscar Pistorius an increasingly famous South African sprinter who happens to have had both of his legs amputated below the knee. Using upside down question mark-shaped carbon fiber sprinting prosthetics called Cheetah blades Mr. Pistorius can challenge the fastest sprinters in the world.

It's called a pen. It's like a printer hooked straight to my brain.