Search For portfolio In Quotes 5

Generally a chef's book is like a calling card or a portfolio to display their personal work.

But when we started our product portfolio we focused the mixed signal requirements first for image processing devices and then in audio applications targeting our technology into the growing use of digital technology in consumer markets.

With the world as it now presents itself there is something perverse and probably dysfunctional about a person who stays in the same house for 40 years. What about the expanding family syndrome the school-lottery migration the property portfolio neurosis? Have you no imagination?

There's only one thing harder than living in a home with an adolescent - and that's being an adolescent. The moodiness the volatility the wholesale lack of impulse control all would be close to clinical conditions if they occurred at another point in life. In adolescence they're just part of the behavioral portfolio.

Americans no longer look to government for economic security rather they look to their portfolios.