Search For piercing In Quotes 6

I instinctively dress a bit tougher because I've spent a lot of time in the U.S. and I realised there was a certain image projected of me here. I've always been an absolute rebel. When I was in my teen years I had piercings and wore all black.

In no relationship at the top of any walk of life is it always easy least of all in politics which matters so much and which is conducted in such a piercing spotlight.

I am never at my best in the early morning especially a cold morning in the Yorkshire spring with a piercing March wind sweeping down from the fells finding its way inside my clothing nipping at my nose and ears.

Oprah is so bright and her intelligence is so piercing that I don't think anyone who spends a few minutes with her isn't struck by that.

The Nautilus was piercing the water with its sharp spur after having accomplished nearly ten thousand leagues in three months and a half a distance greater than the great circle of the earth. Where were we going now and what was reserved for the future?

When people meet me many times they're very surprised because they expect someone who is kind of wacky with seven piercings and very hip and cool and New York City and I'm not.