Search For picky In Quotes 5

Most of the offers I get from Hollywood are for teen comedies. My manager thinks I'm crazy for turning down all that money but I'm very picky.

I travel around and hear from so many kids. Their parents say they were always very picky but they watch the show and they want to try stuff. The show is entertainment but I think it has done so much for the public perception of what food can be.

In terms of having a business I wanted to let it go beyond what my personal taste is. Basically I'm in a kilt and a white shirt every day. So you know I don't have a lot of scope and I'm really picky about what I wear.

Since 'Idol' I've gotten used to having an amazing hair and make-up team around me so I'm starting to get picky. I know what I like now and I'm happy to say 'Could we maybe change that?' if I don't like something. I don't yell or anything but I think I could definitely start to act a little diva-ish when it comes to my look.

We incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids' diets from a very early age which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don't buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit yogurt raw almonds or dried whole grain cereals for snack time.