Search For picks In Quotes 8

What has any poet to trust more than the feel of the thing? Theory concerns him only until he picks up his pen and it begins to concern him again as soon as he lays it down.

We used to play music for fun. Much more than now. Now nobody picks up a guitar unless they're paid for it.

The biggest tab the public picks up for fossil fuels has to do with what economists call 'external costs ' like the health effects of air and water pollution.

Who picks your clothes - Stevie Wonder?

The writer crafts their ideal world. In my world everyone has really long conversations or just picks apart pop culture to death and everyone talks in monologue.

A friend of mine has a big farm in the desert and she picks up feathers and roadkill for me then makes it into clothes. I think it's cool to wear roadkill. If I died and somebody wanted to wear my teeth around their neck to VMAs I'd feel honored.

Great art picks up where nature ends.

Growing up in New York has influenced my style so much and I have an amazing relationship with my stylist Estee Stanley. We have so much fun with the whole process. She picks out dresses I try things on and play dress up and we get creative to see what works.