Search For philosophically In Quotes 5

I felt that the elegance of pop music was that it was reflective: we were holding up a mirror to our audience and reflecting them philosophically and spiritually rather than just reflecting society or something called 'rock and roll.'

For the life of me I don't understand what honest motive there is in putting this in front of this body to philosophically debate marriage on a constitutional amendment that is not going to happen and which is enormously divisive in all of our communities.

Even scientific knowledge if there is anything to it is not a random observation of random objects for the critical objectivity of significant knowledge is attained as a practice only philosophically in inner action.

Your true traveller finds boredom rather agreeable than painful. It is the symbol of his liberty - his excessive freedom. He accepts his boredom when it comes not merely philosophically but almost with pleasure.

Iran is not a make-believe country. It is a real country populated by some 75 million people - real people including I daresay a majority who are philosophically and by education inclined toward the modern secular world and particularly American values.