Search For pence In Quotes 5

When I am cast in a movie where I feel that the woman's part is more interesting I usually start thinking about Spencer Tracy and Fred Astaire. They seem to be the most clear actors when working with women.

In the post-enlightenment Europe of the 19th century the highest authority was no longer the Church. Instead it was science. Thus was born racial anti-Semitism based on two disciplines regarded as science in their day - the 'scientific study of race' and the Social Darwinism of Herbert Spencer and Ernst Haeckel.

I don't care tuppence whether I'm forced into a leadership position or not. I'd much sooner not.

My mother she had a very good attitude toward money. I'm very grateful for the fact that we had to learn to save. I used to get like 50 pence a week and I'd save it for like five months. And then I'd spend it on Christmas presents. I'd save up like eight pounds. It's nothing but we did that.

Even in literature and art no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will nine times out of ten become original without ever having noticed it.

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Liberalism is a really old British tradition and it has a completely different attitude towards the individual and the relationship between the individual and the state than the collectivist response of Labour and particularly Old Labour does.