Search For parliamentary In Quotes 8

Dullness in matters of government is a good sign and not a bad one - in particular dullness in parliamentary government is a test of its excellence an indication of its success.

We read too much Shakespeare at school and view our parliamentary politics as dynastic drama in which an impatient crown prince frets at his long subordination and begins to scheme for the throne he knows he merits was promised and has earned.

Some people suggest that the problem is the separation of powers. If you had a parliamentary system the struggle for power would not result in such complex peace treaties that empower so many different people to pursue so many contradictory aims.

It is impossible to practice parliamentary politics without having patience decency politeness and courtesy.

Machiavelli's teaching would hardly have stood the test of Parliamentary government for public discussion demands at least the profession of good faith.

I was elected to the Diet in the same way as at every parliamentary election.

I suppose not everyone has a dad who wrote a book saying he didn't believe in the Parliamentary road to socialism.

We as conservative intellectuals should not be in the business of making excuses for bad parliamentary decisions by Republican leaders in Congress.

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I would point out that Japan's proposal at the Versailles Peace Conference on the principle of racial equality was rejected by delegates such as those from Britain and the United States.