Search For painfully In Quotes 8

I know my strengths. Painfully aware of the weaknesses. There's many. I love sports. So working towards a common goal that's exciting to me.

But you see that's the gilded prison of fashion. We're riding in private jets and meantime I was so incredibly painfully sad and lonely.

A man has no religion who has not slowly and painfully gathered one together adding to it shaping it and one's religion is never complete and final it seems but must always be undergoing modification.

Liberalism is I think resurgent. One reason is that more and more people are so painfully aware of the alternative.

My mom is painfully sweet she's from Nebraska.

I felt so painfully isolated that I vowed I would get revenge on the world by becoming a famous cartoonist.

Every creator painfully experiences the chasm between his inner vision and its ultimate expression.

If you're extremely painfully frightened of age it shows.