Search For oracle In Quotes 6

Dr. Johnson has said that the chief glory of a country arises from its authors. But then that is only as they are oracles of wisdom unless they teach virtue they are more worthy of a halter than of the laurel.

The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery a metaphor for a proof a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths and oneself for an oracle is inborn in us.

Poetry is the utterance of deep and heart-felt truth - the true poet is very near the oracle.

They are the guiding oracles which man has found out for himself in that great business of ours of learning how to be to do to do without and to depart.

The language of excitement is at best picturesque merely. You must be calm before you can utter oracles.

Beauty is the oracle that speaks to us all.

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When Maurice touched a keyboard it was like something from a movie magical. He would always give you something from a movie and you'd go what did you just play... immediately inspirational writings amazing. That's what we're going to miss.