Search For oklahoma In Quotes 10

I'll keep us out of war with Oklahoma!

Something called 'the Oklahoma Standard' became known throughout the world. It means resilience in the face of adversity. It means a strength and compassion that will not be defeated.

This is not the time for partisan bickering. This is not the time for politics as usual. Some of us are Democrats. Some of us are Republicans. Some of us are Independents. Above all we must be Oklahomans first.

People in Oklahoma don't wake up every morning wondering what the government is going to do for them.

In my wildest imagination I never thought that the fifth of six children born to Helen and Buddy Watts - in a poor black neighborhood in the poor rural community of Eufaula Oklahoma - would someday be called Congressman.

Oklahomans value our children and our seniors. Oklahomans value traditions of faith. Oklahomans value our heroes our veterans. Oklahomans value innovation and the creative arts.

What unites Oklahomans today is what has always united us: Our unshakable faith. Our love of family and compassion for others. The unlimited promise of a hopeful future.

My mom grew up in poverty in Oklahoma - like Dust Bowl nine people in one room kind of place - and the way she got out of poverty was through education. My dad grew up without a dad with very little and he also made his way out through education.

I get around OK with a toolbox. As a kid I picked up skills following my dad through the oil fields of Oklahoma and West Texas. My wife Janine is hard to impress but she does think it's cool when I fix things around the house.

It's harder but we're still finding oil in Oklahoma today. The bar has been raised on startup companies but it can still be done. Every regulation and every rule limits you but yes it can still be done. That's the beauty of living in a free country and having the freedom to have an idea and become an entrepreneur.