Search For occupying In Quotes 5

We can't blame children for occupying themselves with Facebook rather than playing in the mud. Our society doesn't put a priority on connecting with nature. In fact too often we tell them it's dirty and dangerous.

Ocean: A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man - who has no gills.

In man - in the history of mankind this has happened many times and occupation leaders hang on to the land that they're occupying. People fight to liberate their land. But in the end the people's will is what achieves victory.

I want to assure your excellency that I am occupying myself permanently and jointly with my team to achieve a solution as soon as possible to this crisis the principal objective being the safeguarding of the health and life of those who are inside.

Had the United States and the United Kingdom gone on alone to capture Baghdad under the provisions of the Geneva and Hague conventions we would have been considered occupying powers and therefore would have been responsible for all the costs of maintaining or restoring government education and other services for the people of Iraq.