Search For nobly In Quotes 10

A peace is of the nature of a conquest for then both parties nobly are subdued and neither party loser.

And what he greatly thought he nobly dared.

Our soldiers have nobly fought to protect freedom since our country's birth and have fought to protect those that could not protect themselves even in foreign lands when called upon.

Strong generous and confident she has nobly served mankind. Beware how you trifle with your marvellous inheritance this great land of ordered liberty for if we stumble and fall freedom and civilization everywhere will go down in ruin.

I am prejudiced in favor of him who without impudence can ask boldly. He has faith in humanity and faith in himself. No one who is not accustomed to giving grandly can ask nobly and with boldness.

Dream manfully and nobly and thy dreams shall be prophets.

Men who live valiantly and die nobly have a strength and a courage from the eternal Father.

Over and over again financial experts and wonkish talking heads endeavor to explain these mysterious 'toxic' financial instruments to us lay folk. Over and over they ignobly fail because we all know that no one understands credit default obligations and derivatives except perhaps Mr. Buffett and the computers who created them.

In giving freedom to the slave we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve. We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth.

The finest works of art are precious among other reasons because they make it possible for us to know if only imperfectly and for a little while what it actually feels like to think subtly and feel nobly.