Search For nicely In Quotes 6

I feel there are two people inside me - me and my intuition. If I go against her she'll screw me every time and if I follow her we get along quite nicely.

I've got a full plate yes I do. That iPod that's nice. A phone recorder? Nicely done. All right I'm a bit of a tech geek. I have a subscription to Popular Science and I keep up on all this stuff.

When I won in 2003 never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would win Wimbledon and have my kids seeing me lift the trophy so this is pretty surreal. And yeah I was almost shocked in the moment that it all came together so nicely.

Clearly programming courses should teach methods of design and construction and the selected examples should be such that a gradual development can be nicely demonstrated.

You want hot days to get your fruit ripe but then you want it to cool off nicely at night so that the grapes stay on the vine longer and develop complexity.

My mother enjoyed old age and because of her I've begun to enjoy parts of it too. So far I've had it good and am crumbling nicely.