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I also developed an interest in sports and played in informal games at a nearby school yard where the neighborhood children met to play touch football baseball basketball and occasionally ice hockey.

My daughter the one who lives nearby is raising her children to be very much aware. We went on a nature walk on Monday I'm learning so much from her.

I was from such a large family that when I first met my wife I told her: 'You can go work outside of the house and I'll stay home and continue making my cartoon strips. Maybe I'll make some commercials nearby you know I'll do anything locally but I would love to just stay at home and raise the kids like I did when I was growing up.'

If I am in London I like a quick get away to The Olde Bell in Hurley... It's nearby and no stress - great food and beautiful walks.

Know how to travel from your town to a nearby town without a car either by bus or by rail.

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Congress will pass a law restricting public comment on the Internet to individuals who have spent a minimum of one hour actually accomplishing a specific task while on line.