Search For myriad In Quotes 6

The truth is that our way of celebrating the Christmas season does spring from myriad cultures and sources from St. Nicholas to Coca-Cola advertising campaigns.

Strange is it not? That of the myriads who Before us pass'd the door of Darkness through Not one returns to tell us of the Road Which to discover we must travel too.

Strange - is it not? That of the myriads who Before us passed the door of Darkness through Not one returns to tell us of the road Which to discover we must travel too.

Social technology gives leaders a vital new platform with which to connect their companies to the myriad stakeholders who have an interest in their well being.

We know evolution happened because innumerable bits of data from myriad fields of science conjoin to paint a rich portrait of life's pilgrimage.

A good man often appears gauche simply because he does not take advantage of the myriad mean little chances of making himself look stylish. Preferring truth to form he is not constantly at work upon the facade of his appearance.