Search For miserables In Quotes 4

I'm doing 'Les Miserables ' the movie. I've done a lot of musicals and a lot of movies and I know there are not a lot of people in Hollywood who have been down those two paths so I've been like 'Come on let's do a movie/musical.'

I can't comprehend that I'm in the film of 'Les Miserables.' It's one of those dreams I thought would be unattainable for someone like me who came from nowhere.

I just wanted to see every single musical I could. The very first one I saw was 'Beauty and the Beast ' the only one I could get tickets for and then 'Les Miserables' and then 'Chicago.'

When I was little I saw the play 'Les Miserables' on Broadway I thought it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.