Search For mimic In Quotes 7

Cunning... is but the low mimic of wisdom.

I was a mimic when I was a child. I mimicked the teacher and made friends that way actually. That was a very subversive activity because I was a goody-goody who never got in trouble. But if I went off in the corner and mimicked the teacher people loved it.

A lot of these angles are really about trying to mimic broadcast sports angles in order to anchor the scene to sort of normalize it before it becomes abstracted.

I don't remember ever deciding to become a performer. I just always was. I began performing by mimicking the performers on the new television that first took the attention away from me as the baby of the household. I continued performing to put a smile on my grandmother's face and always considered her when accepting or declining roles.

You know I was a huge fan of comedy and movies and TV growing up and I was able to memorize and mimic a lot of things not realizing that that meant I probably wanted to be an actor.

I was a huge fan of comedy and movies and TV growing up and I was able to memorize and mimic a lot of things not realizing that that meant I probably wanted to be an actor. I just really really amused myself and my friends with memorizing entire George Carlin or Steve Martin albums.

Human intelligence is a reflection of the intelligence that produces everything. In knowing we are simply extending the intelligence that comes to and constitutes us. We mimic the mind of God so to speak. Or better we continue and extend it.

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The reason that war is such a fascinating subject for writers is because it's a revealer. Put a bunch of people in an adrenaline-fuelled life-or-death situation and their fundamental behaviours are exposed the scrim is taken away and the motivations behind each personality come out to play.