Search For matrix In Quotes 5

Since I had the baby I can't tolerate anything violent or sad I saw the Matrix and I had my eyes closed through a lot of it though I didn't need to. I would peek and then think oh OK I can see that.

I've always been interested in the relationship between total external surround culture the political matrix technology etc. and the internal human consciousness.

My movies have always done pretty well in the UK - 'The Matrix' films did very well in this country and I do like the crews here and the people we're working with here.

Freedom of expression is the matrix the indispensable condition of nearly every other form of freedom.

My time at Shell was a most valuable experience because it taught me to look at the world in a long-term way. Shell takes a 20-year view on events and plans for different scenarios. It makes you see the world as a kind of large matrix.

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It took me less than half a lifetime to realize that regret is one of the few guaranteed certainties. Sooner or later everything is touched by it despite our naive and senseless hope that just this time we will be spared its cold hand on our heart.