Search For massively In Quotes 4

All the legal action I've taken against newspapers has had a massively positive effect on my life and achieved exactly what I wanted which is privacy and non-harassment.

I know I had my equivalents in Adrian Lester and Lenny James when I was at drama school. I remember David Harewood doing 'Othello' at the National and Adrian Lester having done Cheek by Jowl's famous 'As You Like It and Company' at the Donmar. Not necessarily performances I saw but just the fact they happened was massively encouraging.

We assume that everything's becoming more efficient and in an immediate sense that's true our lives are better in many ways. But that improvement has been gained through a massively inefficient use of natural resources.

I stupidly ignored education completely. I found it dull and I preferred to cause chaos and have fun. I regret this massively now.

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I filmed seven movies in 2011 and I think that was a mistake. I pushed myself too hard and I want to be able to come to work each day and give 100 percent. I guess I found out what my boundaries are.