Search For manure In Quotes 7

He who follows his lessons tastes a profound peace and looks upon everybody as a bunch of manure.

The fairest thing in nature a flower still has its roots in earth and manure.

Money is like manure of very little use except it be spread.

Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells.

They think they can make fuel from horse manure - now I don't know if your car will be able to get 30 miles to the gallon but it's sure gonna put a stop to siphoning.

I tried for a while to be an agricultural worker and was hopelessly bored. I would stand around in heaps of manure and sing about the beauty of the work I wasn't doing.

I tried for a while to be an agricultural worker and was hopelessly bored. To me it was meaningless. I would stand around in heaps of manure and sings about the beauty of the work I wasn't doing.