Search For maneuver In Quotes 6

Very few recognize science as the high adventure it really is the wildest of all explorations ever taken by human beings the chance to glimpse things never seen before the shrewdest maneuver for discovering how the world works.

He would use amphetamines to stay awake because he would have late night maneuvers that would go way into the early morning hours and he was given pills to stay up for the long hours.

I don't know what to do with it. I'm very fortunate to have it and it gives you room to maneuver. But the main thing about having money is it means you don't have to worry about it. And that for me is a lovely thing. It's not for fast cars and hookers.

I enjoyed the administrative work because it involved working with Congress city council and the mayor. I had never been a politician so it was fun - learning political maneuvering.

Clearly older women and especially older women who have led an active life or elder women who successfully maneuver through their own family life have so much to teach us about sharing patience and wisdom.

Charles was very intent to use his years as Prince of Wales to make his mark while he still had freedom of maneuver that he wouldn't have as King. The first subject he really went for was architecture. It made an impact.