Search For liquor In Quotes 7

I doubt if you can have a truly wild party without liquor.

This is the point being missed by readers who lament Liquor's lack of hot sex scenes probably because they aren't old enough to understand that a passionate relationship could be about anything other than sex.

Let schoolmasters puzzle their brain With grammar and nonsense and learning Good liquor I stoutly maintain Gives genius a better discerning.

Each of us needs something - food liquor pot whatever - to help us survive. Dracula needs blood.

Mendacity is a system that we live in. Liquor is one way out an death's the other.

After all is said that can be said upon the liquor traffic its influence is degrading upon the individual the family politics and business and upon everything that you touch in this old world.

We will see that our new attitude toward liquor has been given to us without any thought or effort on our part. It just comes! That is the miracle of it.

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I have two kids career and I travel and I don't think my life is any different than most couples. The most valuable commodity now for many people is time and how to parcel that out.