Search For licence In Quotes 5

We are looking for development partners people to work alongside us which will accelerate our actually getting licences the technology into product into the markets.

I'm the only man in the world with a marriage licence made out to whom it may concern.

Once I know people know who I am it gives me a lot of licence and freedom to behave in ways I wouldn't normally.

None can love freedom heartily but good men the rest love not freedom but licence.

It was an interesting question as to whether the BBC had a future in the digital world and what form of market failure could justify the licence fee system.

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I'm not a Luddite but I'm outside more than I'm on my computer. We have a micro-farm - it's a step up from a garden. We have a pretty extensive vineyard. We grow about 60 percent of our own food make our own wine have chickens for eggs.