Search For legitimately In Quotes 6

In fact there's a lot to legitimately hate about pro sports and the way they are conducted.

I took three years off. I differentiated myself from the industry. Found my identity - sort of... I haven't graduated yet. I'm not legitimately educated yet but maybe one day.

Anybody who says they are a good liar obviously is not because any legitimately savvy liar would always insist they're honest about everything.

Well yeah. At a certain point you've got to be really honest with yourself. Like 'Why am I doing this? What are my motivations?' Like if you get into it because you want to be famous? Then you've got a long row to hoe. But if you really feel like it's a labour of love and it's something you're actually legitimately good at then it's not that hard to keep plugging away.

Mr. Gonzales' failure to respond to questions legitimately posed to him by the Senate raises grave doubts in my mind as to his fitness to serve the people of the United States as their Attorney General.

Art is vice. You don't marry it legitimately you rape it.