Search For launching In Quotes 8

There's an adage that is an apt description of the new dynamic at work between brands and consumers connected through social media: People support what they help to build. But now that many brands are launching community-driven cause marketing campaigns the challenge becomes what to do next?

I'm taking one thing at a time. With the children and launching my solo career it would drive me to a nervous breakdown if I tried to organise a wedding on top of that.

There is no point in launching technology before customers are ready to use it.

What is being talked about now is the probability of the Sharon government launching an attack against Lebanon to eliminate the resistance of Hezbollah by using the American war against Iraq. But of course in this case we will certainly fight with all our strength.

When launching a product called an Energy Drink and named Red Bull a product that stimulates body and mind it is a short step to the roots where Red Bull came from. We have been doing this for 20 years - now it's called adventure sports extreme sports and outdoor sports.

I was a loner as a child and happiest at home launching toy rockets and aeroplanes. When I started causing trouble in my third year at grammar school Mum was really surprised. My parents sent me to a child psychologist who suggested I might have Asperger's syndrome.

I'm launching my own festival in South Wales. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time. It's going to be held at Margam Park because I wanted the venue to be as close to my home as possible.

Lighter computers and lighter sensors would let you have more function in a given weight which is very important if you are launching things into space and you have to pay by the pound to put things there.