Search For laser In Quotes 5

It's so great in Hollywood now. You have people past 40 sitting and talking about serious stuff writing and making movies and TV but there's laser pistols and superheroes and alien monsters involved. It's viable and mainstream.

I'm a big laser believer - I really think they are the wave of the future.

My dad's a doctor and when I was 8 I went to one of his medical conferences where they were demonstrating laser surgery on a chicken. I was so mad that a chicken had to die I never ate meat again.

I'm ashamed to say this but I watched every episode of 'Starsky and Hutch' as a kid. I loved that show but now I think it's stupid - they'd have a car chase for no reason then Paul Michael Glaser would shoot the car and it would blow up.

My favorite laser disk ever was the laser disk for The Graduate which had a commentary track that wasn't even the filmmakers it was a professor some film criticism guy who just happen to be this amazing commentator who went off into the whole theory of comedy.