Search For kosovo In Quotes 6

Instead of the international police action we had hoped for during the war in Kosovo there are wars again - conducted with state-of-the-art technology but still in the old style.

The different Ministries have to work more on the promotion of the country to build Kosovo's public image. Concrete projects must be assembled in order to activate our businessmen to have more contacts. We have to create a positive image about ourselves.

Imagine a part of the U.S.A. from which the U.S.A. started - where is the cradle of your history? This is Kosovo for Serbia.

At the time when this famous historical battle was fought in Kosovo the people were looking at the stars expecting aid from them. Now six centuries later they are looking at the stars again waiting to conquer them.

The ideal of all Kosovo is membership in the E.U. and a permanent friendship with the United States. I believe and I am convinced our dreams will come true.

It depends on the situation. I mean on one hand there's the argument that people should be left alone on the other hand there's the argument to wade in a stop slaughters in places like Bosnia and Kosovo and what we probably should have done in Rwanda.