Search For irregular In Quotes 5

Irregularity and want of method are only supportable in men of great learning or genius who are often too full to be exact and therefore they choose to throw down their pearls in heaps before the reader rather than be at the pains of stringing them.

Man hath still either toys or care: But hath no root nor to one place is tied but ever restless and irregular about this earth doth run and ride. He knows he hath a home but scarce knows where He says it is so far that he has quite forgot how to go there.

Irregular contact with doctors means many men fail to receive any preventive care for potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition when men do seek care embarrassment can often prevent them from openly discussing health concerns with their physicians.

The course of the flight up and down was exceedingly erratic partly due to the irregularity of the air and partly to lack of experience in handling this machine. The control of the front rudder was difficult on account of its being balanced too near the center.

I remember when I took Quentin Tarantino with me to a very private screening of the documentary 'Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired ' which shows some of the legal irregularities of his case. I was involved by the film and it was an amazing experience to see people weep at the end of it.