Search For infringe In Quotes 8

Vigorous enforcement of copyrights themselves is an important part of the picture. But I don't think that expanding the legal definition of copyright outside of actual copyright infringement is the right move.

In regards to The Haunting people compared it to the old movie which is unfair. We didn't have the rights to the movie. I couldn't duplicate a single thing because that would have been legal infringement.

The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty.

With Napster and the sharing of music of course there are going to be people who exploit it. Greed has no end. But there's a lot of good that could happen. We shouldn't let the economic concerns of the major labels infringe on our freedom to share music.

I have always been a firm believer in the longstanding American principle of having the right to bear arms and I will remain committed to see that this freedom is not infringed upon revoked or limited in any way.

I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.

There's a lot of gimmick infringement out there but that's cool. It's a compliment. But it all started right when I first came into the Garden. I came down to 'Eye of the Tiger' and when I hit the ring with the Sheik I just put my hand up to my ear by accident and the crowd got louder. I was like 'Oh that works.'

Every piece of software written today is likely going to infringe on someone else's patent.

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Somebody has to tell the E.P.A. that we don't need you monkeying around and fiddling around and getting in our business with every kind of regulation you can dream up. You're doing nothing more than killing jobs. It's a cemetery for jobs at the E.P.A.