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Even more importantly it's wine food and the arts. Incorporating those three enhances the quality of life.

Flexibility is crucial to my fitness. Incorporating a good warm-up and cool-down into every session decreases my chances of injury. I use both dynamic and static stretching in my training. I've starting doing a few yoga sessions which incorporates muscle strength and flexibility.

User-centered design means understanding what your users need how they think and how they behave - and incorporating that understanding into every aspect of your process.

Human memory is a marvelous but fallacious instrument. The memories which lie within us are not carved in stone not only do they tend to become erased as the years go by but often they change or even increase by incorporating extraneous features.

I think fun is an important part of the entertainment industry and it should be. Anybody who's not incorporating some of that into their work needs to take a break go away and have an attitude adjustment.

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I understand that in these difficult economic times the potential for any additional expense is not welcomed by American businesses. But in the long run the health insurance reform law promises to cut health-care costs for U.S. businesses not expand them.