Search For humming In Quotes 6

For awhile after you quit Keats all other poetry seems to be only whistling or humming.

There is geometry in the humming of the strings there is music in the spacing of the spheres.

I was influenced when I was younger by the cartoon movies that Disney put out like Cinderella and what not. I watched those movies over and over when I was younger and the music is ingrained into my head. Nowadays I'm still humming the tunes. It taught me the fundamentals.

In Rio Bravo when Duke makes love to Feathers the scene dissolves to the next morning where we see him putting on his vest and almost humming. It was subtle but you knew what happened. Give me a towel and some blankets any day!

My dad says I could sing before I could talk if that's possible. I was always humming and things like that.

I still believe that capitalism is too harsh and I believe that even within that there is a lot of satisfaction and beauty if you happen to be one of the lucky ones although that doesn't eradicate the reality of the suffering. It's all true at once kind of humming and sublime.