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They read their sports pages know their statistics and either root like hell or boo our butts off. I love it. Give me vocal fans pro or con over the tourist types who show up in Houston or Montreal and just sit there.

When Whitney Houston died I felt great sadness. My sadness of course was about our collective loss - when you listened to this nightingale sing your body would drop into a chair your head would tilt up a small smile would creep across your face and inside you knew that there was a higher power somewhere: gifted beautiful spiritual.

Havin' fun while freedom fightin' must be one of those lunatic Texas traits we get from the water - which is known to have lithium in it - because it goes all the way back to Sam Houston surely the most lovable the most human and the funniest of all the great men this country has ever produced.

What Whitney Houston has accomplished will never be accomplished. She's the most famous person on the planet as far as vocaling and her songs. So I'm very happy that I can sit here and say I had a chance to know her. And I'm still dazed that she's gone. But she lives because her music is so powerful.

Most everything I do revolves around tae kwon do. That said I like to be a typical girl and go shopping. I have three nieces and nephews that I like to hang out with. I'm also finishing my last semester at the University of Houston where I'm majoring in childhood education.

And I remember leaving my place in L.A. and - my father is a big fight fan - and I said 'Dad I got a couple of days off and I'm getting ready to go to Houston to sign to fight Muhammad Ali.

Although becoming a singer was my plan A after first hearing Whitney Houston when I was 17 I started off with plan B by going to the teacher-training college that my dad went to. It was a slow coming of age.

When I was about 12 years old back in Houston my Dad used to take us to the driving range.

I'm very proud of my love for Whitney Houston. She really changed my life. She made my life a better life. She was so beautiful in her love for God her love for her family and her love for music. She truly loved her music. She could do everything! She had flawless rhythm flawless pitch flawless feeling and flawless beauty.