Search For hindrance In Quotes 6

The money can be a hindrance to someone like me because the danger is that you start thinking 'Is that a $20 million take?' That kind of thing and being self-critical.

Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.

Having a track record to live up to and the history of successes had become a hindrance. It becomes harder to break out of what people expect you to do.

The real democratic American idea is not that every man shall be on a level with every other man but that every man shall have liberty to be what God made him without hindrance.

Attention to health is life's greatest hindrance.

I think being famous is more of a hindrance a constraint than just letting yourself be free.

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I've been singing for six years. I've been in and out of the studios with top producers but it wasn't something I was ready to express to the public or to the press. I wasn't ready to come out. I wanted to perfect my voice and be 100 percent positive that I could come out right.