Search For hesitation In Quotes 10

When I meet the right girl I'll definitely have no hesitations to a relationship.

They've been fairly positive as firm as they could be in regards to the derivatives operations in Montreal. We didn't sense that there was a hesitation about it. But things change.

The first test of a truly great man is his humility. By humility I don't mean doubt of his powers or hesitation in speaking his opinion but merely an understanding of the relationship of what he can say and what he can do.

Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved what harm will come to you if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? If you gain you gain all if you lose you lose nothing. Wager then without hesitation that He exists.

Our system provides for a winner to take office on January 20th and he is expected to take command of the ship of state. Failure to do so characterized by hesitation and indecision will harm the national interest.

I know this president. And I can tell you that he cares deeply about the next generation of young women in this country - his daughters and everyone's daughters. President Obama had the courage to stand with Sandra Fluke. Without hesitation he defended her right to tell her story.

Audacity augments courage hesitation fear.

Nearly all the powerful people of this age are unbelievers the best of them in doubt and misery the most in plodding hesitation doing as well as they can what practical work lies at hand.

To teach how to live without certainty and yet without being paralysed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy in our age can do for those who study it.

Hesitation increases in relation to risk in equal proportion to age.