Search For heartbeat In Quotes 6

I think it's sad to me that I had to make a decision to not play the game that I feel like I'm best at and that I love. But if it was just about the game itself I'd be there in a heartbeat. But that's not how the real world works.

I need music. It's like my heartbeat so to speak. It keeps me going no matter what's going on - bad games press whatever!

The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe to match your nature with Nature.

The heartbeat of a football team is the quarterback position and I think everyone who has any intelligence about the game understands you must have consistency at that position to be a championship team.

When you do take the home pregnancy test it doesn't quite seem real. But when you see the baby and the heartbeat on the ultrasound it's so incredible.

No there is literally nothing on the business side that I wouldn't sacrifice in a heartbeat to have an extra couple of hours' writing. Nothing.

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Before I had kids I'd go out on the road for months and months at a time but now I don't think I'd want to do that anymore because I'd miss too much time at home so it's just a matter of monitoring how much work that I do and how much time I'm on the road.