Search For haters In Quotes 7

I'm in prison. But my heart and mind is free. Gangsta haters on the streets are doing more time than me. They need 30 police escorts with them every time they walk down the street.

My mom always said that there would be haters. Not everyone can love ya.

Some white people hate black people and some white people love black people some black people hate white people and some black people love white people. So you see it's not an issue of black and white it's an issue of Lovers and Haters.

Haters never win. I just think that's true about life because negative energy always costs in the end.

I don't care what the haters and naysayers say. If they make jokes about me I'll laugh because they'll probably be funny.

The Internet is for haters. Everyone wants to knock somebody down but it's cool.

I'm glad that my parents missed one thing that was really unbelievable. They saw me hit this great success. It was a blast and we had a lot of laughs. And it was just an amazing time. They passed away. And then after I got you know famous all these haters came out of nowhere.