Search For handbag In Quotes 7

I want my handbags and my shoes to be stylish but I want to make sure that they're versatile. I travel and I have to make sure the pieces I put into my bag can go with a dress or with shorts or jeans.

I've been involved with sports my whole life which made clothes and makeup and handbags not that important as a kid. I just didn't care.

I'm going to get up every morning at 6:30 to work out. Then when I've kept with it all week I give myself something I really want like a new handbag or a piece of jewelry I'm coveting.

I definitely wanted to be an actor. I didn't want to be on TV I didn't want to be famous I didn't want to be anyone in particular I just wanted to do it. I see young people now who look at magazines or American Idol and their goal is to have that lifestyle - to have good handbags or go out with cute guys from shows or whatever. But I definitely wanted to be an actor.

I don't diet I don't do fads I've just decided to not eat carbs. So no more bread and pasta for the month. I can't live without chocolate though. I've always got a bar in my handbag. It has to be 72%. Any less and it's too sweet any more and it's inedible. Like I said I'm very particular.

After graduating from flares and platforms in the early 1970s I started drama school wearing a pair of khaki dungarees with one of my Dad's Army shirts accessorised by a cat's basket doubling as a handbag. Very Lady Gaga.

I want to speak up and tell you that mascara and clothes don't make you cool neither do name-brand handbags but being a leader can.