Search For hamper In Quotes 8

It is not wealth one asks for but just enough to preserve one's dignity to work unhampered to be generous frank and independent.

Ten years ago U.S. defence investment represented almost half of all defence expenditure in the whole alliance. Today it is 75%. This increasing economic gap may also lead to an increasing technology gap which will almost hamper the inter-operability between our forces.

Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature.

I made a commitment to completely cut out drinking and anything that might hamper me from getting my mind and body together. And the floodgates of goodness have opened upon me - spiritually and financially.

Set your sights high the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way.

Marriage for a woman at least hampers the two things that made life to me glorious - friendship and learning.

Death is really a great blessing for humanity without it there could be no real progress. People who lived for ever would not only hamper and discourage the young but they would themselves lack sufficient stimulus to be creative.

We know that communication must be hampered and its form largely determined by the unconscious but inevitable influence of a transmitting mechanism whether that be of a merely mechanical or of a physiological character.