Search For halloween In Quotes 10

I love Halloween trick or treating and decorating the house. And I love Thanksgiving because of the football and the fall weather. And of course I love Christmas - that's my favorite of all!

As a kid I liked the 'Halloween' movies and 'Nightmare On Elm Street' and all that kind of stuff. But as an adult I really don't watch much horror to be honest.

I love scary movies. I like blood and gore and I love Halloween movies.

I was offered a choice of a flat salary up front or a percentage of the film's future earnings. I took the up front money. Nobody could have figured what Halloween would ultimately become.

They did that little thing on South Park and they mentioned my name and had a character of me judging a Halloween contest. It was really funny.That made me the coolest aunt on earth.

There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects rather an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world.

If human beings had genuine courage they'd wear their costumes every day of the year not just on Halloween.

If I wasn't even famous or had any success I would still wake up and put tons of make-up on and put on a cool outfit. That's always been who I've been my whole life so that's never gonna change. I love fashion. I love getting dressed up. I love Halloween too.

When I was a kid I got busted for throwing a rock through a car window and egging a house on halloween.

This Halloween the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him.