Search For guessing In Quotes 8

Part of filmmaking is always a guessing game and part of it is always a game of trust.

Nothing matters but the facts. Without them the science of criminal investigation is nothing more than a guessing game.

The East Germans first used biomechanics. This meant that rather than guessing about technique and form they could apply changes to athletic performance based on science.

History is mostly guessing the rest is prejudice.

I'm always interested in trying to investigate different personalities. I want to keep myself guessing and keep the fear element alive so that I don't get too comfortable.

I think it's really really important to mix it up as an actor to try to get as much kind of varied experience as you can not only for your own personal growth as an actor but for the audience to keep them guessing about what you're going to do.

'The 17 Day Diet' keeps your body and metabolism guessing. I call this 'body confusion.'

Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results.