Search For giants In Quotes 10

I am a poor student sitting at the feet of giants yearning for their wisdom and begging for lessons that might one day make me a complete artist so that if all goes well I may one day sit beside them.

When the war of the giants is over the wars of the pygmies will begin.

Over the years I've enjoyed working for WFAN and MSG - two sports giants in the industry. There couldn't be a better fit due to the long-standing history both entities have had with NY sports.

You know they just don't make big movie stars the way they used to maybe because the system has changed the studio system but it's sad to see people like Jimmy Stewart go all the giants of the past.

The grim fact is that we prepare for war like precocious giants and for peace like retarded pygmies.

Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war that we know about peace more about killing that we know about living.

It is the mark of a great man that he puts to flight all ordinary calculations. He is at once sublime and touching childlike and of the race of giants.

People forget how outcast 'They Might Be Giants' can be. They have a reputation for writing really deft funny clever melodies and they also make a lot of music for kids which is terrific but when you see them in concert they can rock the house.

Faith is a kind of winged intellect. The great workmen of history have been men who believed like giants.

In 1950 when the Giants signed me they gave me $15 000. I bought a 1950 Mercury. I couldn't drive but I had it in the parking lot there and everybody that could drive would drive the car. So it was like a community thing.