Search For genetically In Quotes 9

The essence of humanity's spiritual dilemma is that we evolved genetically to accept one truth and discovered another. Is there a way to erase the dilemma to resolve the contradictions between the transcendentalist and the empiricist world views?

Maybe I'm genetically more inclined to music - but the music I make is so far removed from Indian classical music. I grew up in Texas!

To summarize the particular song a male sings and the behavioral responses of females to song and morphological signals are not genetically inherited in a fixed manner but are determined by learning early in life.

Myths about the dire effects of genetically modified foods on health and the environment abound but they have not held up to scientific scrutiny. And although many concerns have been expressed about the potential for unexpected consequences the unexpected effects that have been observed so far have been benign.

Fairness forces you - even when you're writing a piece highly critical of say genetically modified food as I have done - to make sure you represent the other side as extensively and as accurately as you possibly can.

The public should know that the liability issues here have yet to be resolved or even raised. If you're a farmer and you're growing a genetically engineering food crop those genes are going to flow to the other farm.

Back in 1983 the United States government approved the release of the first genetically modified organism. In this case it was a bacteria that prevents frost on food crops.

When you say 'fear of the unknown' that is the definition of fear fear is the unknown fear is what you do not know and it's genetically within us so that we feel safe. We feel scared of the woods because we're not familiar with it and that keeps you safe.

The position I took at the time was that we hadn't really examined any of the potential environmental consequences of introducing genetically modified organisms.

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I feel no need for any other faith than my faith in the kindness of human beings. I am so absorbed in the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think of heaven and angels.