Search For gathering In Quotes 9

There comes a time when deceit and defiance must be seen for what they are. At that point a gathering danger must be directly confronted. At that point we must show that beyond our resolutions is actual resolve.

During the war in which several of our embedded correspondents were able to report from moving vehicles crossing the Iraqi desert the use of technology made news gathering safer.

I'm not a religious person and I'm not too interested in being a part of a religion but I do like having some sort of communal gathering and having some sense of peoples.

I hardly teach. It's more like a gathering of minds looking at one subject and learning from each other. I enjoy the process.

As a former attorney general. I have the greatest respect for the criminal justice system. But it is not good at intelligence gathering.

But it is equally incontrovertible that if our intelligence gathering process is seriously flawed we had better find out and find out fast if we are to avoid another Sept. 11.

Our failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq thus far has been deeply troubling and our intelligence-gathering process needs thorough and unbiased investigation.

Americans are gathering the courage to just say no. We are saying no to addictive consumer lifestyles. We are saying no to wars and corporate takeover and the IMF loans that gobble up people and their resources.

It is often when night looks darkest it is often before the fever breaks that one senses the gathering momentum for change when one feels that resurrection of hope in the midst of despair and apathy.