Search For frosting In Quotes 3

Music's been around a long time and there's going to be music long after Ray Charles is dead. I just want to make my mark leave something musically good behind. If it's a big record that's the frosting on the cake but music's the main meal.

I'm amazed. When I was 40 I thought I'd never make 50. And at 50 I thought the frosting on the cake would be 60. At 60 I was still going strong and enjoying everything.

The radiation left over from the Big Bang is the same as that in your microwave oven but very much less powerful. It would heat your pizza only to minus 271.3*C - not much good for defrosting the pizza let alone cooking it.

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There's something so romantic about being broke in New York. You gotta do it. You have to live there once without any money and then you have to live there when you have money. Let me tell you of the two the latter is far better.