Search For freddie In Quotes 6

I was growing up listening to Queen. Freddie Mercury threw those incredible melodies into his songs.

I also think it was important for me and Freddie to be able to have a lot of time to share our lives at the beginning of our marriage rather than my coming home at 9 or 10 at night from the set. Things have really worked out for the best for both of us.

In terms of fear I still am most afraid of Freddie Kruger.

You can design a mortgage system that is different without a Fannie and Freddie but there are principles you have to have to have a good system.

Well Freddie Mercury is a really huge rock star in my head. I've always thought he was just so tough and such an amazing entertainer really a contradiction in many ways as well. So he was incredible.

There are so many different people that I've emulated vocally. In the rock world - Sebastian Bach Vince Neil Freddie Mercury Robert Plant. They all had amazing vocal talent.

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You can't do opera when already from the 10th row you can only see little dolls on the stage. In such an enormous space you can't put much faith in the personal presence of the individual singer which is reflected in facial expressions among other things.