Search For fraction In Quotes 7

Every person has only so much attention to give and politics and government takes up only a fraction of what it did 25 years ago.

Of all the creative work produced by humans anywhere a tiny fraction has continuing commercial value. For that tiny fraction the copyright is a crucially important legal device.

Perhaps I am doomed to retrace my steps under the illusion that I am exploring doomed to try and learn what I should simply recognize learning a mere fraction of what I have forgotten.

The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions - the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile a kind look or heartfelt compliment.

What's happened with society is that we have created these devices computers which already can register and process huge amounts of information which is a significant fraction of the amount of information that human beings themselves as a species can process.

Most men are individuals no longer so far as their business its activities or its moralities are concerned. They are not units but fractions.

To me photography is the simultaneous recognition in a fraction of a second of the significance of an event.