Search For forehead In Quotes 8

There is a growing strength in women but it's in the forehead not the forearm.

You know I've got wrinkles on my forehead and smile lines but what's wrong with that? I love to smile.

When I came out of my mom's womb I had 'sitcom' stamped on my forehead.

The Creator has not thought proper to mark those in the forehead who are of stuff to make good generals. We are first therefore to seek them blindfold and then let them learn the trade at the expense of great losses.

As to those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in God's path give them then the tidings of a painful agony: on a day when these things shall be heated in hell-fire and their foreheads and their sides and their backs shall be branded therewith.

I remember once acting really cool on a bus with this girl named Stephanie. When I got home I realized that I had a really big zit on my forehead. If you have acne problems you really shouldn't be acting like Don Juan.

Where I come from it was really unheard of to be at a party and someone says 'What kind of music do you make?' and you say 'Pop music.' You may as well have 'I'm not cool' stamped on your forehead.

I know that I've got big ears and a big forehead and that my hair sticks up. But I'm happy with myself. I'm not necessarily trying to win a beauty pageant here.