Search For footloose In Quotes 6

Some people are drawn naturally - there are natural guitarists and there are natural piano players and I think guitar implies travel a sort of footloose gypsy existence. You grab your bag and you go to the next town.

First play I ever did was 'Footloose.' I played the part of Willard when I was 16. I think I wore my drama teacher's jeans and her belt - that's how small I was. I know a lot of Willard's back story from the musical that's not explored in the film. Like he's got this whole relationship with his mama and he sings this song 'Mama Says.'

I don't watch the movies I make so I haven't seen 'Footloose' since it came out. You see this young hungry actor it's pretty fun. I was the only one they screen tested. It was an attempt by the director and producer to talk the head of the studio into hiring me because they didn't want me.

I was a dancer and it's not really cool for a boy to dance so it was inspiring to see a movie like 'Footloose' where a guy is dancing masculine and had a proper reason behind it. It made me feel cool and when these kids would make fun of me I'd be like 'Oh didn't you see 'Footloose ' man?'

It's very cool to be able to say that my first real film was 'Footloose' and my second film I got to star alongside Tom Cruise and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

I'm single footloose and fancy free I have no responsibilities no anchors. Work friendship and self-improvement that's me.