Search For footing In Quotes 6

'Rocket Science' is really where I fell in love with filmmaking I think 'Camp' was incredible but it was so bizarre and I was trying to find my footing in this world where you don't have an audience for immediate validation.

I'm not a power person. I like everyone to be on an equal footing.

Persons famous in the arts partake of the immortality of princes and are upon a footing with them.

In the Brown decision the United States Supreme Court unanimously struck down the legal and moral footing of racially segregated public education in this country.

For wide swaths of training and education there are valuable spillovers which mean that the private sector needs support from the government. That is why I have been so determined to protect and grow apprenticeships and put higher education on a sustainable footing.

Beauty like ice our footing does betray Who can tread sure on the smooth slippery way: Pleased with the surface we glide swiftly on And see the dangers that we cannot shun.

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In my books I never portray violence as a reasonable solution to a problem. If the lead characters in the story are driven to it it's at the extreme end of their experience.